Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Love Letter

A Love Letter (Psalms 139)

Look deep into my heart and know everything about me.
Your awareness of me is so keen that you know every detail of my life; even when I sit or stand.
You look into my thoughts and I am unashamedly overwhelmed by your pursuit of intimacy with the deepest of me.
You watch my feet move to explore the surface of the earth; so are you aware of my quietest rest.

Your awareness of me is so keen that you see everything I do.
You hear my words before they spill from my mouth.
You go before me and lovingly guide me into your favor, and I am abundantly blessed by you and your lavish outpouring of affection. 
Your knowledge of me overwhelms, because your awareness of me is more than my awareness of myself.

And if I tried to run from you, you would pursue me because I am irreplaceable. 
If I fly in a rocket ship into space, you will pursue. 
If I dig the earth a cave, you will pursue. 
If I ride on the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the furthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me and your strength support me.

And I ask the darkness to cloak me in depression, but even in the darkness I cannot hide from your pursuit. 
Because to you, even the darkest dark shines bright as day, and you will always see me
When it comes to me, there is not a darkness that is dark enough to pierce through your affections.

You made every delicate, intricate part of my body. 
You knit every cell of my body together in my mother's womb 
and told each strand of DNA to do fulfill its purpose. 
And I can only express a joyful thanksgiving at the complexity of my body, 
My soul, 
My mind,
My emotions. 
How beautiful you have made me, how wonderfully created I am! 

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was ever born. 

My first conception was when you thought of me. 
Because you planned for my life before my existence was even a possibility. 
How precious are your thoughts about me.
Your thoughts about me are so numerous that a man could not live long enough to count them.
They outnumber the grains of sand on every beach and ocean floor!

And when I awaken from my dreams, you are there watching me sleep 
and dreaming about a life with me.
How beautiful would our love be together if there were no opposition; 
if all who despise our affections were removed from this life of passion and beauty?
All they do is misuse your words against me, 
to rise suspicions against your pure intensions for me. 
I despise them for twisting your loving words for me into an ugly lie!

Search my heart for the lies that I have believed from these who hate us, 
for the half truths that mangle the truth of who we are!
Test me anxious thoughts and reassure me of your dedication to me!
Point out the flaws in my understanding of who you are 
and who I am through you, 
and bring me into the Heaven that you have designed for me to live in with you right now.

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